Innovative Technology Getting Closer to The Radar
The aviation industry is at a pivotal point. The International Civil Aviation Organization- ICAO projects an increase of two thirds of the world population will live in cities, indicating an importance to accommodate the mobility system. At the same time, Aviation industry players are trying to innovate to fly faster, fly further and fly heavier planes.
You can think about, “How do we make a mobility system lower traveling time?” or you can think about “How can we smoothly transport extra millions of people?” But you can't really analyze them in independent towers, because other forms of transportation (Air, Inland and Maritime) have a real impact on each other.
ICAO has produced a research report on the Future of Aviation, identifying key factors of innovation in the aviation sectors such as unmanned aircraft; artificial intelligence; biometrics, robotics, block chain, alternative fuels and electric aircraft.
Collectively the sectors support the air mobility system and represent growth of the gross domestic product worldwide while creating jobs globally.
Some major developments are looking promising for advancing the industry’s adoption of these technologies.
Aviation has become the enabler of global business and now it focuses on adjusting ongoing growth as well improving technology.
Travelers play a huge role in shaping the industry; Business jet travelers lean to purchase their own aircraft to be flexible and to include innovation in order to optimize time. Furthermore, monitoring advances will help to improve daily tasks.
One particular advance we're watching is the traveler reaction-support of the supersonic jet, which it represents to fly faster without leaving behind longer range.
Supersonic Jet development has shown advances overtime and more players, including NASA, joined the race to boom the aviation industry.
Florida base Aerion recently unveiled a glimpse of its AS3TM Supersonic Airliner after his AS2 Supersonic Business Jet
But the simple upgrade of the known Concorde, requires a conventional teamwork to take off from prototype to an innovative certified jet in the year to come and safely share aerospace.